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Burial at sea is an age-old tradition offering a dignified, simple and solemn alternative to a conventional funeral and a peaceful resting place for your loved one. A personalised ceremony can be organised by our team, who will take care of the administrative procedures for the scattering of ashes. Whatever your preference, we will do our utmost to create a meaningful and soothing farewell for you that reflects the wishes of the deceased.
The sea, as a place of remembrance, becomes a beautiful "garden of remembrance".
The scattering of ashes at sea can be done on board any of the ships in our fleet, depending on whether it is a small or large-scale memorial service (from 1 to 115 people). The ceremony can be simple and quick (2 hours, from 8am to 10am or from 5pm to 7pm), but you can also gather your loved ones for a day or an evening, and remember the good times shared with your loved one over a meal on board for example, while accompanying him/her on his/her last journey.
Our services include :
• an official certificate with a GPS point of the precise location of the scattering of the ashes
• a commemorative plaque
• presence of a master of ceremonies
• declaration to the port authorities
• boat hire with fuel and crew
Other possible options :
• flying lanterns
• transfer of ashes into a biodegradable urn
• a movie
• collection of the urn from the crematorium (Marseille, Aix, Aix-les-milles, Aubagne, Martigues)
• rose petals
• an additional commemorative plaque, size: 17.5cm x 11 cm, screen-printed wooden plaque, ash base
• cocktail, meal, etc...
• a selected playlist

The scattering of ashes and the dumping of urns at sea must be carried out outside of marked public areas and roads, such as ports, access channels, beaches, farming or marine parks (article 2213-39 of the general code of local authorities).
• The scattering of ashes at sea must be carried out at a distance of more than 300 metres from the shoreline and the coast (Coastal law of 2/01/1986 and article L. 2213-23 of the CGCT).
• The dumping of urns at sea must be carried out at a distance of 3 nautical miles (about 6 km from the shoreline and the coast). This distance prevents the urn from being thrown against the coast before its dissolution, in case of bad weather at sea. The urns immersed at this distance must be biodegradable, such as salt, cardboard, wood, sand or "vegetable" urns like ours.
OUR MASTERS OF CEREMONY are certified as Captain 200 STCW 2010 of the Merchant Navy and hold the national diploma of Maritime Master of Funeral Ceremony.
Contact us for a quote and to discuss the ceremony.